Mobile: +975 17593105 / +975 17632420
Facebook: @kuentshokbhutan123
Twitter: @kuentshokbhutan
Instagram: @kuentshokbhutan
Skype: @meetkuentshokbhutan_tp
WeChat: @kuentshoktp
Office Location: Changzamtok, Thimphu, Bhutan
KuenTshok Bhutan Tours & Travels is one of the licensed Bhutanese tour operators and travel agents accredited by the Tourism Council of Bhutan. Our main office is located in Thimphu, capital city of Bhutan. Unfold Bhutan Experience with Kuentshok Bhutan Bhutan, known for its global leadership in environmental conservation, well-preserved culture and the land of Gross National Happiness, is one of the most sought after tourist destinations in the world. Bhutan is a tiny kingdom sandwiched between the two giants of the world: China to the North and India to the South. It’s a Buddhist country with a population of about 700000 people.....
Bhutan is as beautiful and more than as described in the many reviews! Starting with the descent into Paro and exclaiming “Nancy the Himalayas!”. We visited in early December, the skies were blue, crystal clear and the vistas amazing. I was completely.....
KBT tour is thee Best! They don’t treat you like a tourist, they treat you like a guest!!! Every whim is catered to and you can be assured that you will understand Bhutan-the people and the culture! It’s very enlightening and our guide Tsering Phuntsho was truly.....
謝謝Phuntsho與團隊們(司機Tenzin、Jamyang,翻譯Kinley)。Phuntsho爽朗的笑聲讓人印象深刻;Tenzin開車技術一流,再顛簸的路面都不暈車;Kinley的中文翻譯也讓我們對藏傳佛教與不丹的歷史文化及現況有了更加深入的了解。 這趟不丹旅程充滿了開心的回憶:見識了各式各樣雄偉的宗堡、神聖的佛教寺院、策秋祭典、戶外野餐、當地市集、純樸的農村景觀與友善親切的人們,Phuntsho還為我們安排了多次的冥想靜坐,使人充滿了能量。很感謝Phuntsho為我們安排了這些精緻美好的行程,希望能再度拜訪這美麗的雷龍之國,也推薦給大家。